K-6 Financial Literacy Toolkit
Download the full, interactive pdf toolkit here.
Utah K-12 Concept Matrix
The Utah Jump$tart Coalition has created the Concept Matrix to help elementary and junior high teachers identify financial topics and resources for their students. The goal is to have students learn financial concepts in a coordinated way over time in preparation for the General Financial Literacy Course.
The Concept Matrix was developed by Utah teachers and is aligned with Utah's Financial and Economic Education Strands and Standards. This concept Matrix is not a requirement, merely a guide for Utah educators.
This toolkit is linked to the Utah Financial and Economic Literacy legislation and aligned to Utah's General Financial Literacy Strands and Standards.
How to Use the K-6 Toolkit
This brief introductory video introduces the K-6 Financial & Economic Literacy Toolkit and how to identify lesson plans and activities that meet a Utah math, language arts or social studies requirement along with a financial concept.
Special Thanks to our K-6 Financial & Economic Literacy Toolkit Sponsor
Discover the newly redesigned Finance in the Classroom website! A financial literacy hub providing high-quality personal finance materials for K-12 educators, students and community membe
Finance in the Classroom Website for Utah Financial Literacy Educators with great resources!
Elementary Lesson Samples
America First Credit Union FUNDamentals (grades k-12)
Junior Achievement Goods & Services Lesson (grades K-2)
Hands on Banking Meet the Coins Lesson (grades K-2)
Junior Achievement Career Types Lesson (grades 3-5)
Additional Resources
American Sign Language Financial Literacy Courses in ASL
Board Games Top games to teach financial literacy at home
Hands on Banking® online learning center offers resources for anyone who wants to learn more about money management. (grades K-12)
Junior Achievement is the world’s largest organization dedicated to giving students from kindergarten to high school the knowledge and skills they need to own their economic success, plan for their future and make smart academic and economic choices. (grades K-12)
Council for Economic Education EconEdLink has online resources to integrate personal finance and economics into K-12 curriculum. (grades K-12)
my529 Roadmap - This guide is a list of ideas on how you can lead your child in each of these areas at every age – whether they are 18 months or 18 years old. Each section includes tips on how to work with children to instill a basic understanding of money. (grades K-12)
Everfi is an e-learning company that engages K-12 students in highly interactive and individualized lessons. (grades K-12)
FUNDamentals Interactive resources are here to help you better understand spending, saving, getting a loan and other financial subjects.
Grandpa’s Fortune Fables A Book For Your Kids. Blogs And A Course For You.
My First Nest Egg App is a FREE Chore, Allowance and Education App